A world free of poverty and injustice where human dignity and rights are respected and guaranteed.
Inspired by the gospel and the love of Christ, Caritas Murang’a endeavours to work alongside needy people in Murang’a and Kirinyaga Counties, promoting holistic human development through targeted poverty reduction strategies, humanitarian response, and promotion of good governance and socio-political, cultural and economic inclusion of all people.
Our Core Values:
- Respect for Human Dignity
- Resource Stewardship
- Subsidiarity
- Solidarity and cooperation
- Competence (Capacity and institutional strengthening)
- Compassionate response
- Community Engagement
Caritas Murang’a Programmes:
- Humanitarian
- Livelihoods
- Gender and Development
- Advocacy, Governance and Communication
- Capacity Building
- Microfinance
Our Objectives:
- To facilitate local communities in identifying and prioritizing their needs for sustainable development projects.
- To be change agents in promoting economic strengthening, human rights and social inclusion of people living in extreme poverty.
- To provide prompt assistance to survivors of disasters, both natural and human made, and establish long term strategies for disaster management and mitigation for enhanced community resilience.
- To promote collaboration, partnership and networking with the community, other CSOs, donor agencies and the Government in enhancing sustainable development.
Caritas Murang’a is guided by policies and ethos of the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a and the Catholic Social Teachings.
As a faith-based organization, we work closely with communities of “people made poor,” improving their socio-cultural, political and economic livelihoods. We integrate a rights-based approach to development, facilitating local communities to gain power and voice to challenge systems and structures of oppression and bad governance, thereby enhancing their meaningful participation in championing the course for their individual and collective integral development.
Over 260,000 Beneficiaries
reached through our programmes.
Below are testimonies of our beneficiaries in regard to the impact
of our work in their lives and communities.