Project Title: Support to vulnerable households affected by soaring food crisis in Murang’a

To increase food production through improved access to agricultural inputs in Murang’a District in order to mitigate the effects of soaring food prices.

Project Objective:
The overall objective of the project is to increase access to food for most affected vulnerable farming populations of Kenya by improving their own production capacity and increasing self-resilience through the establishment of soil conservation schemes.

Specific objective 1
To increase agricultural productivity and production through provision of yield enhancing inputs such as fertilizers and improved seed varieties of legumes and cereals.

Specific objective 2
To increase household income through increased agricultural production and competitiveness
Thematic Focus: Agriculture

Project area: Murang’a North and Murang’a South Districts

Target beneficiaries: 900 Child headed and single headed households

Project Duration: 2009 – 2010

Donor: FAO Kenya


i) Soil and water conservation mainly terracing, and other appropriate measures aimed at soil conservation.
ii) Fruit tree planting- mango, avocadoes and paw paws
iii) Tree nursery establishment
iv) Water harvesting technologies
v) Farm inputs including seeds of drought tolerant crop varieties
vi) Afforestation and reforestation
vii) Agro forestation

Project Achievements:
i) Access to productivity inputs through vouchers: Through the use of livelihood vouchers given to the beneficiaries they were able to access fruit tree seedlings, tissue cultured banana seedlings and purchased food items.
ii) Improved crop production by target communities: The rehabilitated farmlands led to increase and retention of soil fertility thereby improving food production. The provision of drought tolerant certified seeds legumes led to increase in food production.
iii) Increased access to food by the vulnerable households: Through voucher for work vulnerable households were  able to purchase food stuff.
iv) Strengthen market systems: Vulnerable households linked to suppliers of quality inputs and food items.


Program Overview
This is program aimed at addressing food insecurity and facilitating the communities to create wealth. Activities promoted includes: promotion of production of protein maize, supporting farmers undertaking micro-irrigation with water pumps and training, dairy cows and goat multiplication , promotion of drought resistant crops and promotion of metal silos for grain storage .

Project title: CDMu Sustainable Agriculture

Project Goal
The main goal of the project is to improve the income, standard of living, nutrition, food security and general welfare of the poor and marginalized persons mainly female headed households and their families living in disadvantaged part of the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a.

Strategic Objective: To enhance household food security and incomes for 26,000 households by year 2011.

Thematic Focus: Sustainable Agriculture

Project Area: Makuyu and Kambiti

Target Beneficiaries: 500 households

Project Duration: 2005 – 2009

Donor: CAFOD

a) Micro-irrigation
– Sensitization
– Training
– Provision of Water pumps
b) Soil conservation
– Sensitization
– Demonstrations
– Cash for work/ materials
– Tree nursery establishment
c) Crop production
– Sensitization
– Training
– Provision of seeds, seedlings and farm tools
d) Post-harvest management
e) Agro- enterprise
– Training
– Materials
– Butter making equipment
– Processing jam, marmalade, drying fruits

Project Achievements:
i) Increased food production by targeted communities
Through the use of micro irrigation, huge chunks of unutilized land were put under farming. Use of drought tolerant and improved high yielding crop varieties were able to withstand hostile weather conditions and yields adequate food for household consumption and for sale.
Soil conservation was enhanced in farming activities hence retention of soil fertility and high yields.

ii) Employment opportunities created among farm families and increased farm income.
The rehabilitated farmlands increased employment among the poor households. Micro irrigation enabled small scale farm holders to grow short seasoned horticultural crops that fetch high income in the market within a short period. High production resulted to development of agro enterprises.


Project Name: Kenya Drought and Food Insecurity Response

Thematic focus: Water, Hygiene and Agriculture

Project Area: Murang’a South

Duration: August 2011 to May 2012

Target beneficiaries: Children headed households, female headed households, the elderly, and persons living with disability

Donors: Caritas Internationalis through Caritas Kenya

Primary Project Goal:
To mitigate the negative impact of drought on vulnerable households in Kenya by improving food security of drought affected vulnerable marginal agricultural households through food and nutrition.

Key Project Activities:
1. Food and nutrition- vouchers for work
2. Hygiene education and training
3. Construction of sand dams and desilting ones
4. Provision of planting materials and drought tolerant seeds

Project Achievements
• 1,200 beneficiaries from Kakuzi, Makuyu, Kambiti, Kirimiri and Mithi-ini provided with cooking oil, maize and beans as food, peas, green grams and sorghum as seeds for planting.
• Construction of three water pans at Ithanga, Kirimiri and Kianjugu
• Establishment of community tree nurseries


Project Name: Kenya Drought and Food Insecurity Response

Thematic focus: Water, Hygiene and Agriculture

Project Area: Murang’a South

Duration: August 2012 to December 2013

Target beneficiaries: Children headed households, female headed households, the elderly, and persons living with disability

Donors: Caritas Internationalis through Caritas Kenya

o 1500 food insecure households have adequate access to food that meets their nutritional requirements, and the nutritional levels of these targeted individuals improved.
o Drought affected households in the emergency and recovery phase have improved access to safe water.
o Targeted marginal agricultural households rapidly recover their long term livelihoods options in agriculture.
o Through bulk acquisition after a rigorous tendering process quality seedlings have been acquired and at the best market prices from the distributors.
o Farmers who are prepared to achieve more earnings through diversified farming; from better farm preparation, proper seed selection, diversified crops choice and rotate them with leguminous nitrogen fixing crops to prevent soil exhaustion with the optimal utilization of the available land to till.
o Empowering of the farmers with required skills while they tackle the drought season by supplying seeds, feed, equipment, animal health services, farming expertise and training in water management to boost the agricultural output from these sector.
o Through seedling distribution there is restored climate change, reduced forest cover, depletion of fresh water basins, pollution, drought and famine are testament to the urgent need for intervention to restore balance within the environment and its eco-systems.


Project Title: Kambirwa Community water pan

Bringing about sustainable environment management and improving the living standards of communities living in Kambirwa area.

Strategic objectives:
1. To provide safe water for animal, domestic consumption
2. To support micro irrigation through and establishing of tree nurseries
3. To build the capacity of the local community on water harvesting technologies

Thematic Focus: Water & Agriculture

Project Area: Kambirwa in Murang’a East District

Target Beneficiaries: Communities living in highly degraded areas of Kambirwa village
200 households

Project duration: June 2011 to December 2013

Donor: Njaa Marufuku Kenya

– Excavation of water pan
– Installation of green house
– Establishment of commercial tree nursery
– Conservation of areas around the water pan through planting grass and trees.
– Training community on water harvesting, waste and nursery management.

– Excavation of Kambirwa water pan
– Conservation of areas around the water pan
– Community able to access water

6. Aphia Plus Kamili OVC\HBC Project

The projects involves taking care of OVCs who are affected or infected by HIV and Home based care is basically supporting HIV infected households through trainings on nutrition, psychosocial support, shelter and health care.

Project Objective:
The overall objectives of this project is to improve the quality of life of at least 3500 OVCs and their guardians by the end of the first year of the project and to improve and increase access to care and treatment for 527 PLHIVs and their families.

Thematic Focus: Orphans and Vulnerable Children & PLHIV

Project Area: Murang’a County

Duration: 2012 – June 2017

Donor: USAID through Aphia Plus Kamili

Core Services:
1. Food and Nutrition – children and their households are food secure and enjoy good and regular nutrition for normal growth and development. This entails, Nutrition Education, Food Relief, Food Supplements, Kitchen gardens establishment/maintenance, poultry, Rabbits, Linkages for nutrition support, Support for food storage & Provision of Farm implement i.e. Jembes & pangas.
• Education and Vocational training- Children within caring environment are enrolled, retained and progress through education and/or training institutions by receiving appropriate and quality education to enable then to become a responsible and contributing member of society. This entails: Linkages for Bursary, provision of school fee/school levies, uniform provision, school bags, Lantern lamps, Vocational school training, Co-curricular activities and performance monitoring. Achievements:
– 200 OVC school fees
– 400 school levies,
– 500 OVC scholastic materials
– 300 OVC with school uniform.
– 3000 OVC with education follow through the CHV and staff and
– 240 girls were reached with sanitary pads which has helped with retention of the girl child in school

2. Health care – Improved access to quality health care for all vulnerable children and their households. This entails: Health Education, Referral for curative services, Deworming and Multivitamins, HIV Counseling &Testing, Dejiggering, Water Treatment, Improved water storage, provision of Sanitary pads\towels to adolescent girls, Latrines renovation, Health package e.g. soap, Vaseline, transport to facility for HIV+ OVC.
3. Psychosocial support- A vulnerable child who is happy, self-confident, expressive, hopeful, for the future; interactive; relates well with peers and adults; and aware of the community supportive systems and structures that can support the child at house hold and community levels. This involves: Children club involvement, Counseling, Home visits by CHWs/volunteers, OVC open days/PSS Day, Individual counseling/Group Counseling, Child, Community & bereavement counseling, Life skills training, Sporting activities, Linkages for counseling, social rehabilitation, Monthly Group Meeting for children, Drama and Poems. PSS done to 3500 OVC.
4. Shelter and Care – A vulnerable child who develops within a caring family or alternative care arrangement that ensures adult care, shelter, and other basic necessities. This involves providing: Beddings, House Renovations, and Household Items, clothing, mattresses and lamps. 600 OVC provided with blankets, 300 mattress and 50 houses renovated.
5. Child protection – Vulnerable children with access to social and legal protection that guarantees a safe and secure environment for growth and development. This entails: child protection education, referral for care-rescue, referral for cases of abuse, legal documentation, Referral &Linkages to legal services
6. House hold economic strengthening – households have improved and sustainable income to meet their basic needs and ensure the wellbeing of vulnerable children. This involves: Income-Generating Activities, Table Banking, Vocational Training, and Support with startup kits, Group Savings and Lending, Business/Financial Literacy, Access to micro-finance. 210 households supported with business startup kits to start income generating activities or top up to existing businesses.

– Improved quality and standard of living of OVC & their families through household economic strengthening.
– Improved access to care and treatment of OVC & PLHIV clients
– Improved hygiene
– Improved nutrition
– Girls access sanitary pads
– Improved water treatment & storage
– Improved access to education, performance & retention of children in schools
– Improved enrolment in schools
– Improved psychosocial support
– Access to legal services (Birth certificates, death certificates, IDs)


The programme involves promotion of Quality Protein maize and it is used in the dissemination of new agricultural technologies in Africa. The main area of interest for this project is the production of QPM maize in Kirinyaga and Murang’a Counties with the eventual proposition to assist the farming communities to produce maize and do value addition.

Project title: promotion of quality protein maize in Kirinyaga and Maragwa IPTAs of Central Kenya.

Thematic Focus: Agriculture and Post-harvest management

Project area: Kirinyaga and Murang’a County

Project Location: Kirinyaga East and West district (formally Ndia and Gichugu division)/ Maragwa

Duration: 2008 – 2014

Donor: Development Bank through ASARECA

Project goal
To contribute in improving food security, employment creation and increased income for food insecure households in Kirinyaga district

Project objectives
The objective of the project is to promote the adoption of QPM technologies by small-scale farmers in Kirinyaga and Murang’a Counties in Central Kenya.

Project activities:
 Provision of QPM processing equipment to Kirinyaga IPTAs.
 Procurement of inputs for both Kirinyaga and Maragwa IPTAs
 Training
 Establishment of satellite plots for demonstration

 Provision of QPM processing equipment to Kirinyaga IPTAs.
 Procurement of inputs for both Kirinyaga and Maragwa IPTAs
 Training
 Establishment of satellite plots for demonstration



Project title: metal silo a sure way of improving food security for small- scale farmers in Eastern and Central Kenya.

Thematic Focus: Post harvest Management

Project area: Murang’a and Kirinyaga Counties

Project Goal:
The project goal is to improve food security of farm families by minimizing on- farm post-harvest grain losses through the use of metal silo technology.

To reduce post-harvest on-farm grain storage losses in the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a by introduction and use of Metal silo technology

Donor: CRS Kenya Program

Project activities:
 Metal silo Promotion and training of farmers.
 Display of metal silo.
 Linking existing groups to service providers.
 Fabrication, purchase and use of metal silo.
 Facilitating farmers to purchase metal silo.

– Improved food security
– Reduced post-harvest grain storage losses
– Creation of employment for the artisans
– Increase income generation


9. SJCC OVC Project

Project Title: Comprehensive care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Project objectives:
– To improve the living standard of marginalized groups in the diocese.
– To strengthen the OVC support mechanism within the diocese for it to be more sustainable and responsive to the need of OVCs/lm,

Thematic focus: Education & Microfinance

Project Area: Murang’a County

Target group: Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Women

Project Duration: 2009 – 2010

Donor: USAID through St. Johns Christian Community

– Apprenticeship training
– Seed fund injection
– Refresher training on revolving fund
– Care and support training for guardians, foster parent volunteer.
– Vetting and training guardians as CHWs
– Training of children as peer counselors
– Club experiencing sharing session
– Interclub annual competition

– Placement of 70 OVC.
– Kes 200,000 seed fund given to four groups.
– One refresher training on revolving fund.
– 85 foster parents, guardians and volunteers trained on care and support.
– 30 Guardians vetted and trained as CHWs.
– Over 30 children trained as peer counselors.
– 2 clubs experience sharing sessions.
– 2 annual interclub competitions.
– 5 schools and community clubs selected and 45 teachers and guardians selected.



Project title: Dry Land Farming

Project area: Murang’a and Kirinyaga Counties

Thematic Focus: Agriculture

Project Duration: 2008 – 2009

Donor: CRS Kenya Program

Project location: Kambirwa in Murang’a, Makuyu in Maragwa, Karaba and mwea in Kirinyaga and Ithanga in Thika Districts.

Project objectives
 Evaluate improved crop varieties under farmer management practices and different environment.
 Evaluate the farmer perceptions about the improved crop varieties and management practices.
 Assist in dissemination of information about improved dry land crop varieties.
 Empower farmers to evaluate new technologies and make informed decisions on choice of varieties.
 Learning experience for farmers, extension agents and researchers.
 Demonstrate appropriate agronomic practices under semi-arid conditions.

Project activities involved:
 Printing of pamphlets of dry land farming
 Procurement of small seed packs of improved dry land crop varieties from KARI and seed companies.
 Community sensitization and beneficiaries’ selection.
 Distribution of seeds.
 Monitoring crop performance.
 Report writing

– Improved food security in the community
– Establishment of Farmer field Schools (FFS)
– Improved crop varieties
– Improved farming practices


Title of the project: Entrenching the Constitution in Kirinyaga County.

Project Goal: The overall goal is to provide a programmatic and organizational framework for a sustainable civic education programme in Kirinyaga County that: enhances citizens’ participation and engagement; and promotes responsive governance.

Project objective: Mobilize public participation and involvement in dispensation of the constitution and in devolved governance.

Thematic focus: Governance

Project Area: Kirinyaga County

Duration: 1 year (2015)

Donor: URAIA Trust

Target Area: (counties and sub counties); Kirinyaga County; Kirinyaga East Sub county, Kirinyaga West Sub county, Kirinyaga Central sub county and Kirinyaga south sub county

a) Social audit guide production.
b) Production of training materials.
c) Capacity building (Training) of Trainers of Trainers (ToTs).
d) Sensitization at sub county level to mobilize groups/target population.
e) Use of local media (radio which transmits both in Kirinyaga and Murang’a Counties) to transmit relevant messages/announcements.
f) Use of print media (Mwihoko magazine which is produced by the diocese in Kikuyu) to teach citizens through articles.
g) Training of the groups.
h) Monitoring visits to track action plans developed after the trainings
i) Participatory reviews
j) Participatory evaluation
1) At least 30,000 citizens in Kirinyaga County reached with quality civic education on constitution, devolution, citizen participation, bill of rights and judiciary.
2) Knowledge and awareness levels of at least 200,000 citizens enhanced on constitution, devolution, citizen participation, bill of rights and judiciary through mass media
3) An inter-religious network that influences county government processes and policies is formed.
4) 20 accountability cells formed to increase the Capacity of citizens to participate and monitor the performance of Kirinyaga county government.
5) Improved responsiveness of the committee for implementation of the constitution.
6) Strengthened capacity of Catholic Diocese of Murang’a to effectively implement the project

2. UNDP Amkeni Wakenya Program (Civil Society & Democratic Governance)

Project Title: Strengthening citizen participation in the setting up of one people centered, accountable and responsive devolved government within catholic Diocese of Murang’a.

Project goal: Enhanced citizen participation in the setting up of one people centered, accountable and responsive devolved government in Murang’a County.

Thematic Focus: Governance

Project Area: Murang’a and Kirinyaga Counties

Target beneficiaries: Government of Kenya (Provincial Administration), school and health center committees, devolved funds committee leaders, local women’s groups, youth groups, PWD, PLHIV and traders’ associations.

Project duration: July 2011 to June 2012

Donor: UNDP through Amkeni Wakenya Facility

Activities include:
• Production of training materials.
• Capacity building (Training) of Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) on devolved government.
• Sensitization at County level to mobilize groups/target population.
• Training of the groups.
• Monitoring visits to track action plans developed after the trainings.
• Participatory reviews.
• Participatory evaluation.

– A total of 1035 trainings conducted reaching a total of 31,050 people of which 20,185 were women and 10,865 were men.
– 7 oversight constituencies committees formed
– Strengthened citizen participation in devolved governance
– 28 Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) trained on devolved governance

3. UNDP Amkeni Wakenya Program (Civil Society & Democratic Governance)

Project Title: Strengthening local level governance for the monitoring and tracking of devolved funds within Catholic Diocese of Murang’a

Thematic Focus: Governance

Project Area: Murang’a and Kirinyaga Counties

Target beneficiaries: Government of Kenya (Provincial Administration), school and health center committees, devolved funds committee leaders, local women’s groups, youth groups, PWD, PLHIV and traders’ associations.

Project objective: To improve the capacity for understanding and taking action on devolved funds by local groups

Specific objectives:
1. To increase the awareness on the legal and rights-based nature and operations of the various devolved funds
2. To enhance the knowledge and skills of selected local groups to track and monitor the management and administration of the devolved funds.
3. To facilitate the local groups take action for improving the effectiveness of the devolved funds.

Project duration: 2010 to 2011

Donor: UNDP through Amkeni Wakenya Facility

a) Reproduction of OSEAs and action aid training guides on social audit.
b) Production of training materials
c) Capacity building (Training) of Trainers of Trainers (ToTs)
d) Sensitization at Deanery level to mobilise groups/target population
e) Engagement with local media, e.g. Mwihoko magazine and Radio Maria
f) Training of the groups
g) Monitoring visits to track action plans developed after the trainings
h) Midterm Participatory review/evaluation
i) Internal end of year participatory evaluation

• Strengthened citizen participation in tracking & monitoring of devolved funds
• Manual on decentralized funds developed and in use
• 28 Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) trained on devolved funds and social audit
• 8 local groups trained on local devolved funds
• 8 local groups enhanced skills in grassroots monitoring and evaluation of the devolved funds
• At least 50% of the groups taking action to monitor and shape the management of the devolved funds
• Improved responsiveness of the devolved funds’ management committees